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Foxy Knoxy ... back in Court today

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joggerjayne | 10:12 Mon 15th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
133 Answers
Falsely accused by the Police.

Mentally tortured in custody.

Physically beaten by interrogating detectives.

Maliciously (and wrongly) told by Police doctors (!) that she had HIV.

Abused by the Press.

But ...

... still dignified ...

... still smiling ...

... and still foxy.

Come on, Amanda ... hang on in there, girl !!


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What I'm saying is that it has been reported that on the night Madeleine went missing, the Tapas Nine had consumed a great many bottles of wine. Kate McCann has stated that on the night Madeleine went missing, the group only consumed 2 bottles of wine. I've not heard any reports, true or otherwise, of what they consumed on preceeding nights.
Dear dear jayne

remember kercher?
the dead girl?

the really foxy pretty one ?

have a good giggle???

Are you really off then legolard? Wow, how exciting.
didnt the portugese police try to reinterview the tapas group and they wouldnt come back?

very dodgy no merc

as a parent


they bear the blame
certainly not the police

they neglected their parental responsibility

a group of doctors with scant regard for childrens welfare


Question Author
Guys ... We're Closed !

Move along, please.
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bye jayne

ignore the anus sniffer there.

no merc

to be continued

: o)
Leg - while the Portuguese police were persecuting the McCanns, they were not looking for a missing girl. They have now told potential witnesses that they are not interested in taking any more statements with a view to finding her, because she is dead. How do they know that?
Okay, hun. Maybe we could have a good healthy debate over a drink of wine in the reef one day. x :-)

JJ - another good debate !
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no merc

if the kids were secure

thered be no abduction/disappearance.

no excuses the mcannns had a duty to their kids.

the police cannot take the blame


argue all day long
ive never ever left any children unattended at home or abroad like that.
and never ever would.

simple as that .

curiously none were abducted.

am i fantastic?

or just ordinary ??

work it out for yourself.

gotta go

laters xxxx
Whiffey - you are a very intelligent person and oftentimes very hilarious. But god, you can be childish sometimes !
I like the Whiffey Leg contratends, but Whiffs, Leg's been very lucid and succinct on this post (a little personal) but no offence has been taken.
If you don't like the way foreign jurisdictions go about their business, then don't go there.
I still see no reason why she would willingly pervert the course of justice, who benefits?
The police are going to try and fit me up for this offence, so I'll implicate myself, nah, does'nt wash.
One bottle unopened, after the child went missing the evening was over.
The child's almost certainly dead and was dead within about 6 hours of the abduction (something like that statistically) in such cases it is usually a family member who is responsible. That's why the Portugeuse police behaved in the manner they did.

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Foxy Knoxy ... back in Court today

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