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theonlyone | 18:46 Sat 20th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Answerbank be an anagram ?


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ban wan kers

hows about
swan banker ???????????????
'Snake brawn.

swanker ban (much more polite)
B'swana Renk

A famous German chappie in German East Africa circa 1912
Did you just make that up, Stewey?
i smell a rat there stewey
Well know: there just might have been an officer in the Imperial German Army with the surname Renk. Furthermore, the natives might have added the honorific "b'swana"........and then, of course, there might not have been. If there was, his first name was Helmut and he was a Kapitain.
stewey anagram:

or possibly

Question Author
So what is an anagram for Lego ?
No abuse as this is a cool thread for early
Saturday evening !!!
MsEVP, you caught me: my imagination was running rampant. As punishment, I will force-march to the pub and drink some penitent beers.......I like your second anagram the best:)
Anagram for 'lego': geol........a subj. which you can study at uni.
As anagrams go anyone from Newark (US or UK) is a Wa nker
in Hebrew the participle of the verb �to redeem�
Question Author
So maybe Lego has is a redeemer ???
More aptly:


of which I`m sure he does a lot
An anagram for Lego is easy,

Its Ar$ehole!
My anagram for trrt is

What a fookin wan ker
as knew barn
as knew bran
as new brank

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