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Bobbisox | 23:06 Fri 26th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
of Rich and Homeless
dead soft hearted I am, cried most of the way through it
memo to myself...always give a pound to the sellers of The Big Issue, don't care if they are lying, I can afford it...


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Big Issue is more than �1 though.

Always buy one if I see it for sale but more than that always talk to the seller in the town when I go which is rarely - hate shopping.
Think they have to have a badge number to sell it with their id
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don' t mind that cc, I will put a pound in their tin, don't want the paper
It's a good read though - lots of interesting things in it - some of their stories and poetry are so moving
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really? never bought one but I will now,,,thanks cc
I don't give money to those who go around the corner for a drug fix, Prudentia.,I offer them a cornish pasty or something to eat and they will tell you to ****** off in no uncertain languaggge
Prudentia some of them do that but I've never had that happen to me from a Big Issue seller - the one on my nearest town has been there for a few years and he's finally got a bedsit.
Hiya Bobbi - I watched that programme the other night - I think its heartbreaking seeing people sleeping in cardboard boxes - this could happen to anyone of us - and its especially sad when you see youngsters. I think more should be done to help these homeless people.

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Bruce Jones was right about the ar$e-holes that languish in our jails for rape and murder, get rid of them and the money they save, help the homeless

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