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"Thought for Today"

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Bobbisox | 10:47 Sun 28th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
3 Answers

prayer for the day

gordon brown is my shepherd, i shall not work.

he leadeth me beside the still factories.

he restoreth my faith in the conservative party.

he guideth me in the path of unemployment.

(yea, though i wait for my dole,

i own the bank that refuses me).

he has annointed my income with taxes,

my expenses runneth over my income,

surely, poverty and hard living will follow me all the days of his term.

from hence forth we will live all the days

of our lives in a rented home with an overseas landlord.

i am glad i am british,

i am glad i am free.

but i wish i were a dog

and brown was a tree



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And so say all of us ............... Morning Joy

Hot and Humid here in Essex - had a massive thunderstorm about 5.0'clock last night - hailstones the size of golf balls.

Have a good day
Love Den xx
Question Author
you lucky bu$$er...he-he
grey and coolish up here, bet you would be hard pushed to see the sea in Whitley Bay today, took a 5 min break, doing ironing and watching REM on Sky 1, speak soon, have you got you AK-47 strapped on your shoulder???
never mind bl00dy DEN, it's Annie (get yer gun),,,lol
Joy x

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