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Think I've

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brenda | 22:54 Tue 07th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
been expelled , can't post, after submit posts disappear, am a good girl really ---so very upset --ideas welcome.


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I don't know Brenda, but I think its a glitch in the site, as it is happening to me too.
I've just wasted 5 minutes of my life trying to post a new thread on here...

Should've boiled a bleedin egg instead...
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Thanks schutzengel----thought I'd been really wicked.Even Honey was devastated as she couldn't say Hi to Frankie da Tom cat.
Much love to you both , B and Hxx
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snags--have wasted a lot of time today , in and out , so have really hit the gin.
Hi brenda:

I think we're all suffering the same thing. Try doing this if your answer suddenly disappears after you "submit":

1. Press the blue return button at the top left of your screen.

2. Then press the "Post an Answer" button and you should find your message still there. Then "Submit" again.

You may have to go through this routine a few times because of the slowness of the system but hopefully it will eventually get sent.

Hope this helps.
Question Author
Thanks paraffin --will do tomorrow , too sloshed at the moment.
Don't take it personally Brenda.
The same thing happened to me last night.
I posted several times in various threads(sometimes twice because it didn't appear) and nothing.
Imagine my surprise this morning when ALL my posts appeared (including doubles).
As others have said it's a glitch with the system,very annoying as I thought I had been banned!
No use supposing (I hope) that the Ed will do anything about it,techie problems seem beyond him/her!

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