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who's coming ?

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joggerjayne | 22:55 Tue 14th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
I'm going to bed now.

Who's ... c u m m i n g ?



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Make me
It's a bit early yet jj. What have you been up to to tire yourself out?
I'm not playing dutch ovens though...
forgive me

but i,m orf for a refreshing run down the beachfront lol
zig,are you taking the dog for a walk?
bit of training for sports day lol

has Jayne come yet?

hang on...I'm just going outside to stroke my car.....
craft's got a furry car

craft,be thankful your car will never be robbed by joyriders.
noway...thats terrible... ;-( of luck with your new safely...x
true noway.....they'd be too embarrassed....
thank you silk....I love it....
Exctaly craft.Now dont ignore you dog,he might get jelious
what kind of car did you get craft?

i'm still driving round in an old rusty '96 car...and will continue to do so till she falls apart... lol

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who's coming ?

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