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Swine Flu

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Kromovaracun | 10:07 Sat 18th Jul 2009 | News
19 Answers
Out of interest, have recent developments made people feel any different about swine flu? I seem to remember the last time it made an appearance on AB, the overwhelming trend of response was people saying they weren't particularly concerned. I was just wondering if that had changed.

For myself, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little worried. But that's not least because as an asthma sufferer, I'm more likely to get it seriously. If I didn't I'm not sure I would be.


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No, can't say it particularly bothers me. So far we have had bout 30 deaths in a few weeks.

If the media reported how many deaths occurred of normal flu or road traffic accidents, it would put this much more into prospective.
I had swine flu and I have hypothyroidism, it just felt like a normal cold but I also had diarrhoea as well. my sister has asthma and has also had it, it affected her no differently than me (she didnt have diaahoea though)
as an asthmatic, I had the flu jab last September. I don't know whether it was meant to protect against swine flu, or how far it might moderate its effects if I did catch it; but it provides me with a modest psychological comfort blanket. Come next winter you might find yourself entitled to a free flu jab too (they're mostly for the elderly but I think asthmatics also qualify).
I've been trying to keep tabs on what the likes of Sir Liam Donaldson, the chief medical officer, has been saying, and he's basically urging people not to panic.

I'm not panicking - que sera, sera?
I think the media should be told to calm it down a little, they seem to overemphasize the present seriousness of the situation.

I agree we must be kept informed of the latest developments, and what procedures to carry out, but that is all.

There are some people, especially the very old where too much information can cause them to panic or at least cause them to worry.

If all the bad news of WW2 had been broadcast, the citizens of the country could have been very distressed, but fortunately it was curtailed for the sake of moral boosting.

It's just the latest "trendy" disease for the media.
How many people will die in traffic accidents today? A fair few more than swine flu I'd guess but cars won't be banned.
Something gets us all in the end ....Que sera sera..
im a asthma suffer to and my work colleagues have got it. i have thought about not going into work but dont wanna loose my job
I'm concerned because i work in a busy store and so come into contact with so many people every day. i also have an underactive thyroid but cannot find any advice online about whether to have a flu shot
even if people do have the normal flu jab it doesnt protect u against swine flu
I totally agree with anotheoldgit.

Is that an early symptom?
Panicking? Who�s panicking?

We have a virus that we have never seen before.

We have no vaccine available to combat this virus.

When the vaccine does become available, the likelihood is, that it hasn�t been rigorously tested and may have side affects worse than the disease it is there to protect.

Who will the first batch of this inadequately tested vaccine go to?...children and the immuno suppressed patients�..bit scary?

Likelihood of 50,000 deaths.

Antiviral drugs are available and as far as we know the virus is not resistant to these drugs.

One poster in April added �Why wear masks, the virus is not spread by droplet infection?�

Government told UK in April to upgrade their idea of hygiene���..minimal response.

Que sera, sera.

Am I panicking?................................????

Kromovacarum.....your post is "spot on"
Not panicking for me but my daughter was anxious when she heard about the little girl that died and the other mums at my grandsons' playgroup and school (they are aged 2 and 5) are nervous so they all seem to wind each other up. I'm trying to reassure her obviously but then I find myself thinking "oh god I hope they'll be OK" I agree the media doesn't help one bit.
horselady....the media?......"don't shoot the messenger.
Don't understand your comment squad-three ABers before me have mentioned the media, what did I say that was any different?
horselady....sorry, should have mentioned the others.
-- answer removed -- are the ultimate optimist.

Yes seasonal flu may kill at least 6,000 people a year, mainly the chronically ill and the old folks.

H1N1....quite far attacks the very young, young and middle aged......not so good eh? Also, worse case scenario could see 50,000 deaths this winter.......bit different than 6,000.

I agree, don't panic, but take the H1N1 seriously.
Now that the majority of people are likely to get swine flu should we do something to protect our pigs?

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