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john1234 | 14:26 Wed 29th Jul 2009 | Adverts
3 Answers
what is the music on the honda car advert - contains the words "...give a little time to the child within you..."


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It's called 'Love You' and it's by Free Design.

It's an advert for Toyata actually and I'm sure that Toyota will be pleased that you think that their ad is for Honda, lol.
Love You by Free Design
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It is indeed Love You by The Free Design who were a family vocal group from New York. Two sisters & two brothers from the Dendrick family formed the band & they released 7 albums between 1967 & 1972.
In the mid 90's there was a growing interest in easy listening & sunshine pop and after a Japanese musician 'Cornelius' reissued their back catalogue there continued enough interest for them to reform in 2000 & release a new album "Cosmic Peekaboo" in 2001.

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