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hi guys x

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joggerjayne | 00:00 Thu 13th Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
If I have to go without saying goodbye, please forgive me.

Hope you�re all well.

Hey, look ... Spanish keyboard at hotel ... �������

Tah daahhhh !!!

JJ x x x


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Have a great time ..... xxx
Question Author
I am !

Thanks ... x
Can I borrow it Jayne? Anything's got to be better than this one!
Hi jj. So now you're overseas you're no longer a seagull? What are you now?
Happy holiday JJ. Hope Mr Buzzy can have a rest lol xxx
Question Author
Still a seagull.

Will always be a seagull.

Love ... "seagull" x x x
Question Author
LOL Roro ... ha ha ha xxx

BF in Bar ... me in games room on hotel internet.

I know, I know ... !!

How's the bum tan coming on?
Question Author
Jan ...

Not started yet.

I respectable hotel in Ronda.

Driving down to villa tmrw ... then start serious tanning !!!


Question Author
Sorry ...

"In" hotel
:-D xxxx
Question Author
Night guys x x x

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hi guys x

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