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I've decided

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4getmenot | 09:46 Thu 13th Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
I'm not going to go ro Brighton. I was umming and Arrghing about it so just thought unless I'd been saying 'I really really want to go' then I might as well tell them I cant. Plus I;d have had to pay my mates share of the room. The other girls kindly said they'd chip in but that not fair on them when they dont even know me.


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are you sure you can cancel the room this late.
Maybe suggest that you and the hen go out together before the wedding, with your fellas, so that you can get to know each other before the wedding
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No I will lose deposit. Hen is having another hen night locally for people that couldnt make this weekend
Go 4get , after a couple of drinks youl be fine (do you drink ) ?
let your hair down and enjoy it xx
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Its not about being fine, I know I will be fine its about money and I dont feel right them all paying for me when they dont really know me. I've got another party to go to locally anyway so I'll go there instead

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