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If I won the lottery...

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NoMercy | 13:26 Thu 13th Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
and decided to take you all on holiday, where would you like to go? The destination with the most votes wins (that is, of course, if I ever DO win).

I vote for Dubai. :-)


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in that case i'm voting for necker island but i want paul walker
I've only ever been to Jamaica, so I would have to say there, because it's so laid back and I think the best place for folk such as we.

The BF once did a charter sail to the caribbean - lucky s0d took in Antiga, Grenadines, Virgin Islands, Caymans, St Lucia , Puerto Rica, Dominica and god knows how many others. Why he ever came back I don't know... (he didn't know me then !!)
Vietnam! I've always wanted to go there.
ah right Oz please
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Out of those, Salla, I've been to St. Lucia, Antigua and the Grenadines. St. Lucia is gorgeous. The Bahamas is fab too.

Nearly got to Jamaica, but chickened out at the last minute.

Steg - never saw you there. Apparently the clubs in Reykjavik (sp?) are awesome. Vodka rules !
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why don't we do a round the world trip and see how many countries we can get banned from....
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Vietnam would be interesting, China.

Oz is a must do for me too, 4get.

Vibra - you must be joking. I cannot stand that Ibiza club music. How about some flamenco clubs on the Mainland? Death by Sangia?
I'm hoping to go this year some time, i want to climb and walk a glacier
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I wouldn't mind swimming in one of the Geyser things. Or am I getting mixed up?
i think you might be getting mixed bu a geyser is a blowhole.....
Haven't had a holiday for 6 years - so anywhere would be nice........................
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Den - you've just made me think.... I haven't actually had a holiday since 2005 ! I do go to Spain frequently tho, so do mix business with pleasure.

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