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CRB check

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StretchyLegs | 13:29 Fri 21st Aug 2009 | Law
2 Answers
I want to get a CRB check done to enable me to teach children/young Adults. I had one done for a tv show but that is now over a year old, and no longer valid.
I got the impression from our local authorities that I would have to have one done to work in Middlesbrough and another one for Redcar etc .
Is there a way to get one to cover the whole country and how is the best way to go about it please?!?
Many thanks to anyone who reads this.


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A CRB is carried out by the employer and is not portable. If you work for 2 authorities then you'll need 2 checks.
there is no expiry date on a CRB
However, as stated above, for every new job you have you will have to have a seperate check - no way round it I'm afraid

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