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Garden solar Lights

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cris r | 20:30 Wed 02nd Sep 2009 | Home & Garden
2 Answers
I bought four solar lights for the garden The first night only two came on The second night three came on But for the past three nights the last one has not come on at all anyone any ideas. Thanks


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Not being stupid, but check it is switched on. Most have a little switch inside the 'glass'.
Well.... if they're anything like the ones here in the U.S.,they don't actually have a "switch", but they are shipped with a little piece of cellophane or plastic under the positive end of the 3A storage battery that stores the solar energy until night. Additionally, these little batteries sometimes need twisting in their fittings to work.

If you place your hand over the solar panel on top,you'll notice the light comes onsince there's also a light sensor installed limiting the operation of the light to after a minimum light setting...

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Garden solar Lights

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