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zzxxee | 18:15 Fri 18th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
its the weekend xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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Evening z!
I'm waiting on my mobile hairdresser coming, can't start tea till she's been & gone, hungry now! x
Weekends are busy in this house and sometimes I prefer mid week. But have a great weekend everybody and enjoy strictly tonight
You too peri! x
Question Author
ha ha i will give you a trim im handy with a hedge trimmer sachs ha ha ha ha hi peri xx
I tell you at times a hedge trimmer would be the best thing for my hair so I might take you up on that zzxxee. Either of you have any plans for the weekend
Question Author
off out for a curry tomorow night with friends ikea shopping in the day sun im takeing my youngest to a friends roller skateing disco party x
Oh dear. Just been told that the house needs rewiring. Gingers not happy....He went pale and broke out into another sweat :-(
We just had our first Ikea opened here in Dublin a couple of months back. It makes for interesting shopping if you are in the mood. My youngest has her bedroom sorted out from it - all we have to do is buy stuff and put it all together.
How much will that cost ummmm - dare I ask ??
Opticians appointment Saturday, so new glasses may be? Pub lunch & a game or two of pool!
2 to 3 k :-(
thats not good ummmm. sachs do you wear glasses for reading ?
Off to see spectacular Chinese Firework display tonight..........
The Irish display last week was fantastic; the French were pants !
Yes I do peri x

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