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Your last sin?

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NoMercy | 20:34 Fri 18th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
What was the last sin you committed, and was it worth it ??


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nomercy, try argentina or anywhere more than 3 thousand miles from spain, I have spent a lot of time over there and have never found anything remotely drinkable below £22.00 a bottle even that was borderline
That's not a sin.....that is perfecly acceptable...Go in peace my child you are totally forgiven x

Now if you could cure my stiff neck you could sin for a whole year!
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Why thank you, Mazie. x

Pru - we had a gorgeous bottle of wine last night. I defy anyone who likes NZ wines (and I know you do) not to like the one we had.
Love NZ wine. My Favourite at the moment is Oyster Bay. Although I have not yet found a Red NZ wine...
for spanish wine, say turpentine it is much better and it also cleans you paintbrushes
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Lusting after your builder, Craft !!
that's not a sin......that's a pleasure...
NoM you shouldn't lust over Craft's builder - find your own

ohh I've had about 7 impure thoughts and I'm not sorry
My hubby said I was drinking too much while he was at work in the evening so last night I topped the vodka bottle up with water. Actually, I'm still giggling about it :-)
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You wicked thing, you.... ;-)
I've just eaten two rhubarb yogurts & a bar of Cadbury's Chocolate Caramel - it was only a small one mind! ;o}
I thought yoghurts had an 'h' in it!
Sorry if I put you off!
Not telling you - and it's always worth it. ;o)

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