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quick joke.......

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stokemaveric | 10:52 Thu 24th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
a guy goes to the pub and sits with his mate ''i think my wife is dead'' he says ''why is that?'' his friend asks ''well the sex is still the same....but the ironing is piling up'' ladies.....


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I am a lady. And I have to admit I laughed. So hard my sides ached.
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glad you liked it salla lol
That's so funny! I have one for you (not literally!)

Wife walks into bedroom and says, tonight I'm gonna make you the happiest man alive. Man replies: Don't mess about, who's gonna help you pack at this time of night?

Another one:

Prostitute, new to the game was told by her pimp 'No sex for the first seven days, just wanks.' She asks, 'Why only wanks?' Pimp says 'Union rules, you gotta work a week in hand.'

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quick joke.......

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