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im off to ikea and was wondering how many people will say hi

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zzxxee | 12:58 Sat 26th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
on this thread by the time i get back?

pointless but interesting
to me anyway lol


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Hello zzxxee , I like IKEA , have a good trip xx
lol not many so far zzxxee, I have only been to ikea once and I found it very basic, the way my Mum used to say utility furniture was after the war, until G plan managed to make quality untility furniture apparently.
Hi zzxxee hi bigmamma - off to the fair in a minute
Hi peri, what sort of fair is it?
Hope the weather holds out for the fair pericat xx
it's one of these that sets up for a few weeks and moves on. I think the weather is supposed to be ok. Bringing 12 year old and her friend - I was volunteered LOL - happy days
ooooo, is the sort of fair where rather dangerous, unsavoury blokes smirk at you as they spin the waltzers fast and then ask for your telephone number ?
lol I can remember when the dangerous smirking guys just asked you if you fancied hanging around til they finished tgheir shift cos there were no such things as mobiles!!!!
I'm too old for that and the girls are too young LOL - see you later

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im off to ikea and was wondering how many people will say hi

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