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pericat | 20:34 Thu 01st Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Chris de burghs daughter - rosanna davison is on the Irish version of this and can trace roots back 1000 years to the half brother of William the conquerer. Nobody has gone back that far as yet have they ?


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Oh I wish I'd seen that !!
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It's on rte here at the moment. Never really liked the girl but the program is fascinating
lol I'd like to see that!!! Bet the college of arms would to, is there not a missing link somewhere between about 1066 and 1537 lol
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Oh god dot - too much reading for this time of night - you're a bit of an expert in Geneology? How was it today?m
We've been traced back to this man
hi ummm, i know that many people have tried to claim descent from the knights that came over with William the conquerer, lol, never heard of anyone claiming descent from a half-brother!!!!

it went brilliantly and i loved it!!!! Really good store and excellent staff,
excellent then ummmm, it's do able back to the mid 1500s in most Parishes but before that the records were not kept to confirm parentage unless you were gentry or royalty. It's a really grey area.
My Grandads brother started researching a long time before the birth of the internet. As far as I know he spent most of his adult life tracing his family....his son took over when he got older.

I don't pay much attention but this has been a family fact for as long as I've been alive.

I should ask my Grandad more questions as he's not going to be here much longer...although he's in good health he's 86...
pmsl...I wondered what you meant by really good store etc....what's that got to do with anything...then realised you were no longer talking to me......doh!!!
btw Dot....My family are still Graham's
Hah when i started reading this I knew The Battle of Kilsyth would be in there somewhere, ive read the history of it many times as im from Kilsyth near Glasgow, fasinating stuff, but you have just added a little bit that i hadnt read, thank you Thank you ummmm :)

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