I have never subscribed to - or particularly understood this peculiarly British habit of seeing work as some kind of five-day purgatory that has to be snured in order to enjoy two days of bliss.
I see my work as something I do and enjoy - and always have - and weekends as something similar - to enjoy. That's not because I have a fabulous job - it's an attitude of mind. Why make work an endurance, which means that Monday is the worst day - the first of five days of hell, and Friday great - the weekend cometh.
i simply don't work that way - work is to be enjoyed when possible, tolerated when not, so Monday and Friday are the same for me, I neither dread one or pine for the other, it's a way of thinking that people pick up in the workplace, and it's not necessary to be this way at all.
Everyone has periods in life when things are clugish - like today for you - but that doesn't mean you build it into your lifestyle - how pointless and drudge-filled a life is that?
All days have a 'y' in them - treat them all the same - you'll be much better for it.