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A Tuesday Story... contributions please.

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Bbbananas | 12:26 Tue 06th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
I'll start:

"There's more to this than meets the Jap's eye" said Sargeant Kanishiro.
"Aye" said Doug his Lancashire sidekick. "There is indeedy".


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"Oh Crap" said Kaneshito - wrong person. Sorry". :-(
to Mr Maggoo who was very very annoyed at being
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...called a Jap. He was Chinese.
(Wasn't he?)
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No said Mr Magoo - I'm neither. But I am very nearsighted which makes me squint - which is why people think I'm oriental.

Doug said "Shut up you drama queen Magoo - this isn't helping us solve the case"
well said mr maggoo if that's how your going to treat me i shall jolly well
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report you.

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