Demand and supply ....
Gordon prints £ notes ...not a good move for the strength of the £.
Gordon borrows lots and lots and not sure if he can now pay it all back.
Gordon has watched the UK turn into a finance driven economy. Whoops ! ...Vapour ...smoke and mirrors ...
However the Dollar is not too good either ...but not as bad as the pound lol
Bit like you getting an F grade and the chap who sits next to you looks good for getting an E.
Also Oil prices e.t.c might no longer be linked to the $ ...So everyone is rushing to buy Euro.
I could go on and on ....UK has been bust for years and we have been living on borrowed wealth ....
If I had kids , i would tell them to get out of this country asap and build a better life abroad.
The U.K. , soon will no longer have a AAA rating ....As we slip towards third world status.
I'm thinking of smuggling myself into Albania in the back of a lorry ...will be an option soon.
The decline will be slow and hard to detect.
Poor education , health , roads e.t.c. as budgets are cut ...
Higher interest rates and taxes.
High unemployment and those with employment will have lower wages.
The company I work for has the following options ....
Keep a developer in London at £100K + per year ...or move development off shore at less than £5K per year per head ...