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zzxxee | 09:25 Fri 09th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
how the devil are you?


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right im off to tackle my messey wardrobe catch you all later xxxxxxxxxxxx
I feel like a 20 year old in a 70 year old body
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im going see you soon off to do a spot of cleaning up chat soon xx
fluff,, did you get away from work early yesterday then?
see ya zzxxee
yes i left about 3.15 but i had to go and boil myself in the shower as i had a momemnt of clarity and realised what the dust under the desks would of been made up of and it made me feel very very ill. plus i know has rather fetching carpet burns on my knees
eeeeyyyuccckkkkk thanks for sharing!
I'm going food shopping soon too lol
Savlon for the carpet burns :D
Yes please - crusty baguette

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