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pericat | 15:42 Thu 15th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
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We are making nuisances of ourselves in technology and quizzes.
We are upsetting people left right & centre and it's been bl00dy brilliant.
I'm still @rsy today though - but all this has helped.
hi peripet
NoM back, but not on after 4pm
Fun was had with a very rude poster in Tech. Heard his original rude reply was pulled which was the one that started all the kerfuffle. Told Daffy to get back to CB in no uncertain terms.
I too am offski soon other than that the usual dull day on AB lol
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What happened with daffy - where do I look
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Sounds fun alba - hi NoM if you see this before 4. some people should be thrown off their high horses - can't stand those who are up their own ar&es
my hip hurts
still having probs posting a link, techno section, internet and axxo fakers thread.
then have a giggle at post above lol
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Ah mcfluff - the one thing I can always provide here is painkillers
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ooh and vibes bought a wii for £70 at lunchtime.

if you're not going to tell vibra.......
whats wrong with your manor vibes?

just stiff peri been stuck in the car for 3 hrs
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Ok firstly - vibra don't worry I always ring first- just read the threads - still laughing at benality joke. Do these guys have a hint of humour at all - and what's going on up above now ^

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Afternoon everybody

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