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Who else thinks that there should be more crisps in packet of Walkers Crisps?

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dothawkes31 | 20:01 Thu 15th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Especially the Roast Chicken, i have to eat 2 packets to feel like i have had enough.


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Less is more dot !
I blame Gary Linikar
Question Author
no peri. less is , well, less!!! it's not right i might write them a letter of complaint
Get a bigger packet. The grab bag ones are a good size.
You have a point there den
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Not the same as they used to be are they dot?
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I don;t understand how they can half fill a bag with nothing!
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It's like charging for the air inside the front of a shoe!!! You can't charge for an empty space! Unless you're in advertising lol
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I mean look at Pringles , they fill to tube up to the very top! No 'settlement' allowance needed!!! And if Pringles can make their crisps all the same size, why can't walkers?
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Who else thinks that there should be more crisps in packet of Walkers Crisps?

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