ok, so i listened to you guys who advised me not to contact my ex despite desperately wanting to.THANKYOU THANKYOU!(see my question from sat) i still would like 'closure' or a sorry from him but today i feel differently. The past 24hours have seen a turn around in my emotions like....you know what i deserve better than you, how can you love someone and then ignore them like he has done to me.so like i said i've refrained from chasing him by text and i feel quite good about it, am i over the worst of it, and in peoples experience does it get better fom hereon????? :-) perhaps what goes around, really does come around.
thanks sara3. The people on this site really help me gain perspective and rationalise situations. i hope i'm over the worst of the hurting. i know when i'm tempted to contact him i just think of the advice from you guys. so many people can't be wrong.