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Hello and Good Morning

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Bobbisox | 11:00 Thu 22nd Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
No hangover, feeling quite 'smiley' even
How is everyone today???

Bobbi x


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I am feeling quite odd actually Bobbi,I have had no sleep at all (noisy neighbours) and am starting to feel a bit spaced out as if i'm tipsy or
I will apologise now ahead of time in case I type anything more outrageous than usual. ;-)
I am always up for it yogi lol - fluffy whats a matter you heh ?
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morning daffy, you have trouble with neighbours pet?
bloody inconderate people!!!!!
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theres me first typo...pmsl
and you think tou have problems
We live in a mid-terrace Bobbi :-(
The one side is a young woman who likes loud music at all hours and can't close any door without slamming it. The other side have a very large german shepherd dog who is rather too fond of the sound of his own bark.
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surely the Enviromental department could do something here daffy, especially about the young woman and her music, as for the German Shepherd dog, it shouldn't be kiep in a small confine, the size of those things!
Good Luck
Hiya fluffpot got "de bug", my lovely?

I was going out today, had lots to do.....but i have one of the cubs home with me........high temp and feeling blughhhhh!!....just in time for half-term, eh?....... so not chancing taking him out with me, so housebound until mrs bear gets back.....she works for virgin airlines part time will be home about 2.30'sh
Working though, downloading, arranging and mixing tunes i need for the weekend work.

Get well quick, fluffy
We've been down the environmental health dept route,no joy there!
When you report someone for noise nuisance the council are obligated to inform them,they tell them they are going to monitor noise levels and of course all suddenly goes miraculously quiet. The dog was kennelled for a month and the young woman stopped playing her music for a few weeks.
just a bit down, someone i know died suddenly tuesday and i've got a cold, my bro's not doing to well just one of those weeks i guess :-(

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