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when you die who would be

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zzxxee | 12:28 Thu 22nd Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
the person you would haunt and why???????????????


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or a mix of fan dabi dozi and spam spam spam spam - go on yogi you know you want to
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genius peri xxxxxxxxxxxx
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and the odd the odd bit of "watch out watch out theres a humphry about" thrown in???
I actually sold someone a Derek Acorah book yesterday, a little old lady came in and had one of his books with him and she wanted anyone of the other titles, she said she felt an afinity with him. (I nearly asked her would she be paying for the book or trying to con me out of it)
"a mix of fan dabi dozi and spam spam spam spam"

Lol.....zzxxee and peri

Now......thats a thought! may just work!!

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i look forward to the finished result yogi i await with baited breath xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
i would haunt yvette fielding. none of that pretending to be tapped on the shoulder and seeing floating orbs acting nonsense, i would really put the willies up her. really give her a reason to scream.
I'd haunt two sets of Estate Agents. Grrrrrr!!!!!
Hi and yeah, Ankou.....................maybe it would be worth doing it to Derek Acorah too...................will make him have skid marks in his pant , thats for sure!..............................sam .........sam.......sam.....sam sam.......BOO!!!!!!!!

I'd have to draw up a rota - because there are loads I would want to haunt - ha ha

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when you die who would be

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