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what are you doing then?

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mandimoo | 20:43 Tue 27th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
im having a glass of wine, listening to black sabbath, waiting for my baked potato and looking forward to my wedding on friday...


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Like you, I am enjoying a glass of wine and just about to pick up my book.

Best wishes for Friday!
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Just finished my nightly bottle of wine and waiting for the delivery man to bring my kebab.
I hope Friday is all that you wisd it to be.
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started the spud in the microwave but its crisping nicely in the oven now
Wish instead of wisd.
What filling?
I'm drinking wine, cooking tea and contemplating doing some more work.

Nah, sod it, more wine and bed and then an early start beckons.
Congrats on the upcoming nuptials! Enjoy the quiet while you can... ;-)

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no filling this time (ive banned myself from my fave, cheese, before the wedding), just butter, salt and lots of pepper alongside carrot n swede mash and sausage - yeah, you probly think thats a bit odd, but gotta use up the fresh stuff before the honeymoon ;) xx
Ooo all the best for Friday Mandi :o)

Hubby started his holiday as of lunchtime today! so went into town this afternoon, bought Saw 4 & 5 and also got Mario Kart for the Wii which hubby is playing at the moment but I am going to go on in a mo and beat him. I also am having a nice glass of wine, we had dinner whilst we were out but may have some crisps in a bit ;o)

Where are you going on Honeymoon?

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what are you doing then?

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