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basic help with photobucket

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pericat | 12:40 Sat 31st Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
I am in upload images from my computer and have opened the file I want to load - what next ?


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in photobucket press the 'upload videos & images button.....this should automatically bring up your hard on the file you want to upload and press 'open'....this should automatically upload into photobucket
Question Author
Its not automatically doing it craft - will try again
Question Author
no - not a budge - its more than likely something stupid Im doing
okay what type of file are you trying to upload?
Question Author
a file with pictures under my documents - or do you need more - am really stupid about this
so is it a file containing several things? if so try the upload again but double click on the file so all the contents are showing......hold down the control key and highlight all the individual things you want to upload and then press open
any joy?
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ok craft - Ive managed to upload 1 photo lol - i will work it out now thats done
next q is how would i post one on here for example
Im building up to facebook very slowly
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and I've just managed to upload a few at once so I am definitely coming on - is it just a copy and paste thing now
ok peri I assume that when you say a file it's actually a folder you have created to put your pics far as I'm aware you can't upload a folder from your hard drive.
I've only shown pictures on here by doing the usual copying and pasting of the photobucket url.....if you are going to do this make sure you haven't used your proper name on photobucket as this will show up.
There are instructions on photobucket re sharing your pics on FB.......I'm no longer on FB and have never done this.
Also if you post on here you can actually use the privacy edit on photobucket so people can either see your whole album or just see the picture you's Casper

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he is gorgeous - we had a dog just like him called glenny when i was growing up - they are so good natured.
the file i have is cats photos only and its under pericat so i will try to post a pic but no doubt will have problems - do i click into share btw
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its still uploading the folder - it is very slow
I think (if I can remember) that you go into 'My Account' at the top to set your permissions.......(this is the blind leading the blind.....Legend helped me set up)
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in this situation I think i would call you the one eyed god
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still loading ........... there is account options at top of page - will look there
oo er.....right must go to shop now.....will see how you are doing when I come may have found an expert by then....
Question Author
thanks for all your help - appreciate it
right are you going to post a link for me to look at?
Question Author
i did above - with a little oscar speech

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basic help with photobucket

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