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Poetry corner.

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carrust | 11:53 Tue 03rd Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Here's the 1st line.

There was a randy old goat from Menorca.....


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Who is a very good talker.
carrust....LOL...that's better.
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Old age has made him a stalker...

"But good God did he have a big stalker.".....I wish.
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vibra....."bitch" doesn't rhyme with anything...........but a good try....!!!
There was a randy old goat from Menorca
Whos chat up line was a corker
He`d promise the girls
Lots of diamonds and pearls
If they kissed him and gave him a stalker
There was a randy old goat from Menorca
Who fell in love with an Orca
They had a whale of a time
Making love was so fine
That they had 12 sons and a daughter

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