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chipowski | 22:39 Mon 02nd Nov 2009 | Health & Fitness
3 Answers
I'm 28 Male & I have a sore soft lump on the internal/external part of my bum hole. It's getting more painful & it is a reddish colour, at the moment it feels like a cherry tom or small grape? Any ideas, help, please!!


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Like Panic Button says, it sounds like haemorrhoids (piles)

You can buy cream for this over the counter. Try that for a few days and if it doesn't sort itself out then maybe see a doctor, but cream usually sorts it fairly quickly.
Quite likely to be piles but if it doesn't clear up quickly with over the counter meds then get it checked out by your GP so they can have a proper look (they have seen it all before) and make sure it's being treated properly.

Not the same thing but I had so much pain for ages and was using over the counter pile cream until I got so sick of the pain I asked my GP about it and she checked and said it wasn't actually piles but a fissure and gave me proper medication to treat it.

So just make sure you check if it doesn't clear up quickly.

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