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ahh ahh ahh i've been thinking

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izzieamy | 21:53 Tue 03rd Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
doe's going to a religious place really help people to think about god ? what do you think ?


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yes I always think about god when female dears go to church!
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I gnu he was being sarcastic too - he can be a real wilde beest at times!
oh deer oh deer..
it would have worked better if I'd spelt deer correct!
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That thinking sounds painful. I wouldn't do it anymore.
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I'm stag-gered by some of these replies...
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And you're a bit of a twat but who's counting...
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Fair enough... try and work ''Hairy-fronted Muntjac'' into the thread then smartass...
It depends on where you think you'll find God, where you feel you're able to communicate or relate to God.
I've been to some churches and felt moved, others I've felt nothing, some people will find God in a forrest or at least commune with nature etc.
Spirituality is a complex thing, and means a multitude of things to different people.
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ahh ahh ahh i've been thinking

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