Have your tried learn direct? they offer careers advice and depending on the area you live in there are often adult careers advisers who are link to Connexions / Careers offices.
Keep trying with your job hunting, look on career websites for more inspiration maybe jazz up your CV, or approach companies online. I know someone who was off with depression for 9 months, and that person applied using the cv to a local company and got the job. So it can happen.
Were you signed off work ill from your last employers? Where were you employed up until the 6th? On my CV I don't have the months of when I started work just the years, this is quite standard, and may help to avoid the gap.
Also contact mental health charites such as mind etc they should be able to offer you some support through this tough time, your not alone, and don't be afraid to ask for help.
Sorry i can't help on the � front