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Oh please can I have a humongous rant ?

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Bobbisox | 15:37 Mon 30th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I have been trying to contacy Sky tech support since Saturday morning, I get to the call centre and they put me through and then I get the message 'call waiting time is ????
till now I have been on hold a combined time of 4 hrs 20 mins and I still haven't got through, I have a problem on my land line which is with Sky
I want to swear, scream and punch someone !!!!


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Have Sky not got a Call-Back facility like BT......when line is clear they ring you back ?
It's a pull hair out moment Bobbi !!! Frustrating isn't it.......
the steggess phoned sky on Saturday and got thru no problem twice, cause our sky box packed in; they did say they were having problems with their computers
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no redman they don't, all I have had is condescending call centre people who sound about 18 yrs old, two of which insisted on talking over me
I have always found their customer service first rate
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yes steg you get through to that dept ok, but try getting a line check done...!!!
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and Santa is a real man
i don't need a line check
its probably you, not knowing how to use a phone properly, or communicate effectively.
probably......she did used to work for BT.....
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shurrupppppppppppppp BL ya daft sod...LOL
i know you don't steggy...
That is a long time.

I only had to call the SKY techies once for a computer problem and they were quick and efficient.
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aww ta for that craft, I feel like a traitor for going over to Sky...he-he
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it just seems to be the telephone line check thats hard to have done funny

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Oh please can I have a humongous rant ?

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