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So, Sheridans, should I give it a second chance?

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dothawkes31 | 22:18 Mon 30th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
not impressed last time I tried it and there isn';t the option of free samples.


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fluff them dot
Question Author
right steg, i'll stick to baileys then.
i would go with that,as long as it's not the old bailey dot
Question Author
no the old baileys went in the bin over 12 months ago lol
Sheridans ?

What a stupid concept that is !!
Question Author
I know jayne, it's a novelty the first few goes lol
I agree, dot.

It's all fun and jolly ...

And then you're left with a sticky bottle, and a drink with is not all that great.

Buy some Baileys and Sambucca, and make Slippery Nipples, instead. More fun, and more yummy.
Question Author
oh good idea!!! what else can you put Baileys with then?
Question Author
keep it simple I suppose lol

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So, Sheridans, should I give it a second chance?

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