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what is your ringtone ?

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joggerjayne | 18:28 Wed 02nd Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
Mine is

I Gotta Feeling by Black Eyed Peas

(downloaded from the web)


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Our gym knickers were horrible big brown saggy things. 100% cotton with not a touch of elastane in sight....
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so who answers yours Doc ?
My ringtone is

but it does'nt matter whatever tone I have, when its in my bag I never hear it. Strange though, I always hear the bleep bleep noise for a missed call {:o/
my niece's own is Ozze Osbourn saying "answer the fluckinge phone"
I have a different ringtine assigned to different people. And I try and match it to the individual in some way. For eg a friend who goes to oz every year has waltzing Matilda
Thats clever Peri - didn't realise you could do that........................
mine is this...

Though it is normally set to silent.
Ah sure I'm a clever little git den - how are you today
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Funky, Chuck !!
Chuck I hate to embarrass you but that's mine too.......until you posted the link I didn't know what it was called...
oh gawd, I've got the same ring tone as crafty, I'll never be able to show my face here again :)

(it's funny when my phone rings because it normally results in people whistling my ring tone for about 10min after :))
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Sell Out by Reel Big Fish. I first heard it on the FIFA 2000 soundtrack.

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what is your ringtone ?

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