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Just wanna see if I could do it or not....

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Bobbisox | 17:38 Thu 03rd Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
19 Answers


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I can't seem to master this Joy - have made loads of mistakes in Daffy's Hobbies and Pastimes - it keeps asking me for a validate key.
I've mastered it in photobucket den - its just really really slow
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I apologise unreservedley my dear vibes...LOL
what do ya take back...that I am am not the owld fart you thought I was ...LOL

bobbi x
I fancy your husband ;-)
which one is you bobbi?.......................................
lol only joking
Question Author
what I did, first time for me, got the pic I was gona show, the went to the bar at the top of computer, highlighted it, copy then paste in here
Bobbi x
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too old for you young ummm,LOL
Oi thats me on the right..or is it the left !!!!
Lovely photo joy - just saw in on FB - http://i955.photobuck...catphoto/P1020620.jpg
this one is a bracelet I just made
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very pretty peri, a girl where my Amanda works does them very similar, I like them
Joy - I can't seem to master this - Photobucket has now blocked my password ?
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I must have put on a canny bit weight this is when I retired or about that time...LOL
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did you ask them in forgot password to send it to you DEN?
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just to annoy you DEN - these are my 2 cats - http://i955.photobuck...icatphoto/cats018.jpg
I must get some of myself and put them on - there are none on the computer at the moment
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thats me not Jean (my friend)..LOL
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Just wanna see if I could do it or not....

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