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NoMercy | 00:18 Tue 22nd Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Been drinking tonight?

Have you?

I have. :-)


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i have, but it doesn't affect me on a monday
I am absolutely ratted.................and so is my friend who I have poured into a taxi. I can stay in bed tomorrow....she has to catch a plane.....PMSL.
i am in work for 8, at least i assume i will be, unless it snopws again and my car decides to not start like it did friday morning the Little Bustard, tut, men invented cars to be fekkin complcated, they coulsn't invent teleporting could they the bastards
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Dot.. you sound like Tony. He always say it doesn't count on a Monday.

Craft... don't laugh.. I went to bed semi-ratted on Thursday and had to get up just after 3am on Friday.
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Her son is picking her up (I don't think he realises how literally) at 6:30 tomorrow as she's going ski-ing in France.....she'll blame me and he'll ring me up playing I give a toss......
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semi rattled?

did the B/F get bored?


Semi-ratted, not semi rattled...

And who is the B/F?
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Yep... NoKnow's been on the pop...

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