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what are the greatest attractions of

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joggerjayne | 10:34 Wed 23rd Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
The Arrogant Frog Brasserie
105 Western Road
E Sussex

Telephone 01273 227194 for reservations.


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Is this another advert?
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Question Author
Have you been to Indonesia?
Have you gone mad?
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No. I'm curious ... what are the greatest attractions of Indonesia?
Question Author
"Gone" mad?

That phrase necessitates me having not been mad before.

So ... erm ...

Oh, poop ... I've lost the thread ... of this thread.
Bit early in the day to be in that state JJ
yes to the have you been to indonesia question, not sure what the greatest attraction were

have you gone a little mad this morning JJ?
Question Author
Fluffy ...

There is a thread somewhere asking "What are the greatest attractions of Indonesia"

... with a "reply" posting a link to some tourist site.

Apparently it's an advert.

I've just been taking the mickey out of the "Indonesia advert" thread.
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Thanks Panic ... it looks fab.

I think I'll go to Indonesia.
always at its best in the tsunami season
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What ... The Arrogant Frog ???
frogs are always good in a tsumami, well known fact that

makes sense now JJ
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what are the greatest attractions of

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