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are you a good shopper

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joggerjayne | 10:07 Wed 23rd Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Are you a slick, efficient shopper?

I can spend half an hour in a supermarket and find myself at the checkout with a Turkish Delight and a copy of Grazia.

Do you blitz the shops with ruthless efficiency?

Or are you a chocolate and Grazia person?


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I helped lay waste to Border's on their final day yesterday (90% off everything), then hit Primark in Oxford St in the evening - two T-shirts, two fleeces for under £10. Lots of queuing in both as it's that time of year (and the end of the line for Border's), but I think I was pretty efficient and saved oodles of money. I am awarding myself a Shoppers' Badge, Grand Panjandrum Class.
Jayne, that is ridiculous. I have children.

I shop and leave with multi-packs of chocolates ;o)
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Primark on Ox St, jno ... are you nuts?

I hope you wore body armour !!

That place has more shoppers per square metre than anywhere else in the world.
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Whenever I buy multipacks, sara, I eat the finger of fudge bars and the curly wurlies, and end up with loads of leftover chocolate.

I must remember to take them into town and give them to some passing child. The child won't be allowed to eat them, because he mustn't take sweets from strangers, but at least I'll be rid of them.
Whenever we go to supoermarkets we just kind of walk around picking up whatever we feel like getting, and then leave, get home and realise we have forgotten the one thing we wentin for in the first place! :-)
sure does, JJ, Oxford St is no place for wusses. People should practise shopping in Cranford for several years before venturing into the West End.
I carefully make a list of what I need, then when I gt home I realise I forget to get the most important item on the list.

I really should cross them off as I get them.
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wiggal ... YES ! ... that's exactly what happens, isn't it !

It's only when you get home and think ... I need a coffee ... that you remember you needed milk.
it depends on my mood sometimes i wonder round in a world of my own then get home and try to fgure out what i've bought and why i bought it. other times i'm very focused
Don't hate me for this but I've started planning our meals each day for the month then shop with a list of just what we need for that - takes me half the time and I've saved loads for the past few months.
I definitely love my Grazia, but couldn't share your enthusiasm for Turkish Delight. Yes, I traverse the aisles of the local supermarket for what seems like eternity, and invariably leave with very little to show for my expedition.
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Hazel ... I admire your discipline.

Maybe if you are shopping for other people too, then you have to be more focused.

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are you a good shopper

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