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social kissing - one or two

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joggerjayne | 22:34 Wed 23rd Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Social Kissing ...

Mhaw !

or ... Mwah Mwah !

Are you a single or a double kisser?

And do you have one or two friends with whom you sneakily do "lips" ?


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we have relatives in the channel islands and its all very kissy kissy when we meet up....
one is usually enough. in fact, sometimes it's too much.
two to say hello.. one for goodbye.. no lips unless he happens to be a fitty..
It's the norm here to do two... but never EVER to I sneakily do lips...
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social kissing is a good way to spread viruses, and build up all our immune systems !

It should be available on the National Health.
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So very wrong on every level. Bluurrrggghhhhhhh. Don't touch me. Kissing should be saved for those you want to kiss, not those hairy old aunties or slobbering old uncles. Main reason I won't apply for DOND in case I get the 1p.
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I'm not talking about hairy Aunts.

I'm talking about your friends.

Say you meet some of your girl pals for lunch ... how many kisses do you do ?
One, but only if they initiate it. I'm not a touchy-feely person at all.

And why is it that people who insist on doing it are either women who have bathed in the most sickly perfume imaginable or men with beards?
er pretentious............
Question Author
Tell it how you see it, crafty !!



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social kissing - one or two

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