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phoebe in friends....

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stokemaveric | 23:20 Wed 23rd Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
why are women like that???


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Hello, Stokey !

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Question Author
hiya jj...hows it going??? ready for xmas i hope with plenty of food and wine i hope lol x
The cupboards are empty.

I'm outta here on Christmas morning, and don't plan to be back until after New Year.

Note to burglars ... I made that up. I will be at home all the time, and I have a big gun.
Question Author
lol jj...i hope you have a great time..wherever you may be off to x
I've never watched daughter does but don't blame me..........
stokey ...

I'm only going to my parents for a few days, and then flying over to see the BF for New Year.
Question Author
actually craft phoebe is very,very nice.......she could put her slippers under my bed any night of the week [after joggerjayne and mrs maverick that is]
Question Author
oohhh errr joggerjayne dont tell your b/f i said that.....
stoke = slapper :-)
Question Author
lol a lesbian trapped in a mans body.....
actually stoke that sounds quite appealing.....
Question Author
lol dont tell mrs maverick craft.....
We watch "Friends" every night without fail..We find them extremely funny..

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phoebe in friends....

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