If you do a search on the net, you will find programmes that can break the code. however these programmes are illegal. As far as I know, there is no legal way round this problem
5029: since when is it illegal to use software to remove or remind you of your own password? The software is not illegal its how you use it.
CLINS: you will find that many of these programs are commercial you will have to pay for them however some trial versions may show you the first digits of your password and this may be enough to remind you. Do a google search for excel-password-recovery
Excel Password Unlocker 4.0 recovers Excel passwords of all versions through 97 to 2007. This efficient Excel Password Recovery software not only recovers Password to Open but removes Password to Open and Password to Modify for you to view and edit the file easily.http://www.passwordunlocker.com/produc