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Christmas presents.

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windywillow | 01:07 Wed 30th Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Have you got one you are gonna take back and exchange?


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Shall I take that as a No then? ;o)
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would be good if everyone said no but im betting there are hundreds who will opt to change what they recieved for something they actualy wanted .

would so much eaiser to give gift cards and let people shop for themselves " laugh out loud "
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Yes. On both counts. :o)
added bonus ... less queing with gift cards : )
I was very lucky and all pressies were perfect ( but we did all discuss beforehand) Best pair of pinking shears I`ve ever had.

I didn't get any so nothing to return.
nope santa was nice to me and brought me stuff that i liked i was a good girl (plus the stuff i got from the kids i bought myself lol)
awww jan not even your nutella?
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Jan, did you not get a single one?
No, there's only me and hubby and we don't do Christmas presents as we buy each other stuff all through the year. We buy something we both need for the home in the January sales. Haven't decided on anything yet.
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Jan, my hubby and I have a similar arrangement. We don't bother for each other apart from a few little things like chocolates and smellies. We feel we've got too much of everything. We stopped buying for the family adults a few years ago.
That's all we do windywillow. A few extra treats at Christmas on the food and drink. We ask each other the same question every year "What do you want for Christmas" and I can never think of anything that he hasn't already bought for me, and vice versa. It's just so commercialised now.
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Me and hubby limited ourselves to £10 on each other this Christmas, any extra we would normally spend is going towards next years hols
i would have loved a foot spa i think i got one in shed but dont want to go in any of my sheds to find then big hairy spiders in there
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Or worse still .... with those big hairy legs dangling in your foot spa. :o)
No, but I've still got cheques to go in the bank. I left them with my mother before I flew to Spain, and asked her to bank them for me. I don't suppose she's got round to doing it. But it means that I've still presents to go and buy myself. :-)

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Christmas presents.

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