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sophie_1003 | 22:32 Wed 30th Dec 2009 | Adverts
9 Answers
What's the song playing in the current DFS advert? Thanks


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Is it 'I am Saleing'
Is that the one with Noisettes- Never Forget You?
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neither of those, it sounds a bit like paolo nutinis new one but don't think it's that, has a man who needs a sofa to fit in his flat
Is it any of these adverts? These are the ones on the DFS site.
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It's ad number 4 on that one
So it's just music with no singing .Sounds like a fast version of Dads Army theme!. Don't recognise it, sorry.
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thanks for the help anyway, think it's also used on the shop radio station where I work so will listen out next Saturday!
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Thankyou! thought it sounded like that one but wasn't sure! thanks for all the help!

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