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I am H.A.P.P.Y, I am H.A.P.P.Y, I know I am, I'm sure I am, I am H.A.P.P.Y

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Bobbisox | 14:24 Thu 31st Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I used to sing this at Sunday School, maybe it's had a lasting effect...
or I could be just mad..LOL

Bobbi ♥


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Have you started on the Sherry already Bobbi ! lol
Question Author
Nope, I am not joking
why do you ask..LOL
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We are going out in a couple of hours red to our local, then back to a cosy night
I Feel Good
Just mad bobbi - pure mad - Im off in a second so hope to 'see' you later. Was up till 3 this morning making jewellery and am really pleased with a few pieces - so at least Im looking forward to starting the new year with a new hobby - see ya later
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yessssssss daffy thtas me...LOL
you ok pet?
Sounded to me as if you were dancing around the House singing that song......warming up for tonight :-))
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I adore mine Peri, will be buying some off you in the NY as gifts, I will pay p&p... x
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I feel happy most of the time red..LOL
doesn't have to be NY..LOL
Im really glad you liked it bobbi - the photo you put up was great - I really need your photography skills here
Don't ask for Photos when she comes back from the Pub pericat.....they will be all over the place ! he He
you should buy yourself the Dreamboats and Petticoats 3 CD daughter got me it for Xmas and the dog now thinks I'm loony as I keep singing along very loudly......
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anytime you like peri, you email me them and I will see what kind of thing we could use as a backdrop..ok
Bobbi ♥
I love your cheerfulness Bobbi its infectious, Have a lovely new year everyone

Question Author
I have all of them craft, love it, we went to Sunderland Empire to see the show...WoW !!!
Bobbi ♥
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you too Mamya ♥♥♥

Bobbi x

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I am H.A.P.P.Y, I am H.A.P.P.Y, I know I am, I'm sure I am, I am H.A.P.P.Y

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