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come dine with me...........

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stokemaveric | 16:52 Thu 31st Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
im cooking lamb shanks,creamed mashed potatoes,petit poirs,and minted vegetables and onion gravy...with a delicious triple chocolate fudge cake with jersey cream for afters.....anyone interseted???


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don't know about interseted, but I'm interested:)

What time suits?
O pleeaaaseeeee !! That sounds bleeding brilliant as I tear whats left of my burnt gammon joint from my teeth :)
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lol im glad you spotted the deliberate mistake albaqwerty....bout 5,30???
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oohhhh drisgirl ill set an extra place for you x
I'll just strap my skis on. It'll take me a while tho :D
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ill keep it in the oven alba lol
I'll be there stoke -im salivating as i type -not a pretty sight but you made me do it !!!
One of my favourites. If you're in Stoke I'm only about 40 minutes away, so should be able to make 5.30 xxx
dris, I'll wait for you, you're a wee bitty further north than me :)
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ooohhh errrrr ill put some more
I'll bring a case of beer too, if you don't mind
OOh I am having lamb shanks too in red wine and mint sauce with roasties and sprouts(love em) will think of you all enjoying

M ♥

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come dine with me...........

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