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Postdog | 19:00 Wed 06th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
OK, who would you match up with who, and if someone suggest another certain someone for me I'll get angry!


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Sara and I are married, newlyweds infact :D
Lakitu, what a lovely surprise my love x
I just popped in to check you were not chatting up anyone :p
Nice to see you, Titch x
You too, honey pie x

does that contain beaver-meat.?
Nope, just a sweet Jayne :o)
logic, that's my wife you're talking about!
Rinkins - I had a fairly ghastly time on the internet dating thing. Met some complete weirdos, some marrieds, some with too much baggage and one completel confidence trickster who gave me a false name. I was just about to give up and then I met the BF. So if you are prepared to kiss a whole load of frogs you might eventually meet your prince.

Anyway, back to the question:-

Salla and Sqad (of course)
Sara and NoKnow
Rinkins and Chuck
Me and Buenchico
Rinkins, I just got the frogs!
worrabart me,? i want one, :-(
I'll remember that barmaid thanks!! Hi Laki!! Great to see you!!!

Err, why me and Chuck?!
Just random really Rinkins! I was just trying to think of someone single. No offence to either you or Chuck intended!!!! (And you both seem to know your way around a pc!)

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