1. Private detective with a small domino?
2. Henry and Ade's other halves
3. Pan cook with a large vehicle
4. Internet search engine & Jonathon's rooster
5. An English man and an American Princess
6. He was huge & Hairy and fell for a blond bimbo on top of the tower
7. Pupil and his not high up pal, wrote songs for showtime
8. Quite a bit like no 22
9. Lovers commmunicate through a crack in the wall
10.Now did she ring his bell?
11.Twins wrote the Book of Records
12.Without these two where would the Treaty be
13.They appeared in Hamlet but Tom Stoppard said they were dead
14. Cheese loving plastic pair
15. He was a king, she was the nobody he married in the Bible.
16. Complimentary & opposing, male and female