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Is Britain the most tolerant nation in the world?

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R1Geezer | 12:47 Wed 06th Jan 2010 | News
35 Answers
It seems the mad Mullah that wants to March through WB, is in fact on benefits to the tune of 25K. What other country would it be possible to organise extremist events whilst still getting free dosh of the hosts? He get's more than a lot of the soldiers fighting and dying in the sh1th0les of the midlle east! Are we tolerant or stupid? Why don't we just stop his benefits and send him to Afghanistan and be done with it?


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I'd rather blast the boat out the water before it got there Bobbi

My tolerance has reached its peak R1

BTW I doubt you can stop his benefits it would breach is 'ooman rights Guvnor. Soon have His Toninesses Missus earning some more dosh from her hubbies legistation
Let 'em March,even encourage them to,then we'll see a Counter March of Muslims crying 'Not in my Name.'
Ecept it probably wont be much of a coutner march. If the so called moderate muslims stood up to the fanatics and grassed them up then maybe I could believe it. But they dont do they.
Have not seen this in the papers or TV news, where did you see it R1?
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EK. I have news for you Islam is a religion not a race. How am I a racist?

Also you should see it was said tongue in cheek and anyway I dont think anywhere I asked for all Muslims to be removed blown up or anything only the fanatics that wish me harm.

Fanatic Muslims want infidels - non believers - to be killed. Do you class them as racists too ? In fact many of these fanatics are worse right wingers than the BNP and ironically would fit in well if only white and 'british'.
Is Britain the most tolerant nation in the world


Possibly. But it's certainly the most stupid.
R1Geezer this country must be tolerant they let you live here!!!!
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oh I forgot, it's offensive to lefty, yoghurt knitting do gooding J Arthurs if you hold differing views. Card marked sunshine!
You don't scare me with your bully boy tactics, and you know nothing about me and I am certainly not a lefty, but I am not a member of the BNP like yourself. I don''t agree with out immigration policy and think we should close our doors to all these spongers but I don't need to be as extreme as yourself.

/// R1Geezer this country must be tolerant they let you live here!!!! ///

There was no need for this.

I suspect that Geezer has more right to live in this country than you do.

If I am right,all I can say is " if you go on your march, mind you don't slip on the ice", but then if you do you can always call on the services of our NHS.
Anotheoldgit. I apologise for lowering myself to R1Geezer level!!! But I am a british citizen born and bred, but I just get sick of his racist and bigotted comments about anyone who is not English (please note I said English not British)
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I'm not in any party sunshine. Tell me where I've been racist, stating the truth s not racist.
If you heard some the people talk in my village tolerant is not the word you would use.

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